Saturday, July 6, 2013

Somatotypes: Your Body Type and You

Sorry it has taken so long to get this blog out. It is official corn watering season on the farm, and between that, Icon, and everything else that goes on in my crazy life, it has been hard to sit down and get this all done. But here we go! All about Body Types!

Overall, there are 3 body types that everyone falls into, or, as Ill explain later on, may be a hybrid of. But suffice to say, there are 3 distinct body types. While each body type has their positive and negative points, it will help you maximize your fitness results by realizing what you are “built” to do.

We will start with the smallest group, the Ectomorphs:

Ectomorphs are naturally skinny. They have smaller frames, and their bone sizes are smaller than most. They usually tend to have long limbs, small waists, and bones protrude. If you have ever heard some of your lifting friends classify someone as a “Hardgainer”, they would fall into this group. They can eat all day long and never gain a pound. They don’t ever get fat, and burn calories quickly.
Ectomorphs are your typical endurance athletes. You will see them in Triathlons or Marathons. Their low body fat percentages (3-10%), smaller muscle mass, and longer limbs help them to run long distances and stride out and have less to carry.

Western Culture has placed the ectomorph body type is the most sought out. However, Ectomorphs often complain that they do not have the muscle mass (men) or the curves (women) that other groups have.
Ectomorphs will almost never complain about weight loss, so we will go into weight gaining. Ectomorphs need to make sure that they are eating calorie dense foods. If size or shape is wanted, they need to do less cardio and more low volume, high weight, low set, low reps lifts. They cannot afford to push it hard and get their metabolism burning. Keep your heart rate down, and take rests between sets. Do not perform supersets. Focus on one exercise at a time. Other things to focus on:

·         Get your ZZZZZZ’s in
·         Slow Down. Do not elevate your heart rate (KEY!!! That is why I said it twice)
·         Eat like a freak. Eat every 3-4 hours. Make sure you are eating High Calorie Foods.
o   Complex Carbs are very important!
o   15-20% Fat
o   30% Protein (lean protein)

As for Famous individuals that are Ectomorphs:

For the Men: Brad Pitt, Tobey Maguire, Chris Rock, Bruce Lee, Frank Zane, and Zyzz

For Women: Cameron Diaz, Kate Moss, Audrey Hepburn, Gisele Bundchen, Anne Hathaway, and Gwyneth Paltrow


Known as the “Genetic Freaks”. Guys that walk in the gym, lift a few weights, build muscle like crazy and are shredded. Women that squat a day, jog a little, and are bikini season ready. Pretty much the group everyone hates. They are naturally aesthetically pleasing looking people.

Mesomorphs are where you see your sprinters/crosstrainer type individuals. They have a fairly decent amount of strength and power. They can gain strength, size, curvature, etc very very easily. They can keep control of their body weights relatively easily.

So there has to be a downfall to perfection right? There is. The biggest downfall of Mesomorphs is they don’t ever reach their full potential. They ride on the mediocrity of their genetics, never really pushing themselves. While the other two groups usually have great amounts of determination to become thinner or gain weight, Meso’s are often very content with themselves and never actually obtain what they really could have. However, when they do, the world is at their fingertips. Here are some pointers on Mesomorphs:

·         Go all out. You have the Genes to get you where you want, now use them! Set Goals. Eat right. Work Hard.

·         Watch what you eat. Mesomorphs tend to have issues with carbs and can gain weight faster than Ectomorphs. A good, balanced diet will help you achieve your goals.

Famous Mesomorphs??

For Men: Vin Diesel, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mark Wahlberg, Lou Ferrigno

For Women: Jillian Michaels, Jennifer Anniston, Halle Berry, Erin Stern

Last But not Least, the Endomorphs:

Endomorphs are usually bigger framed and bigger set than their other two counterparts. They have wide hips, big bones, and are known for having large amounts of natural strength. These are your typical linemen, heavy lifters in the Olympics, or your Field people in Track and Field.

Endomorphs may have more power and strength, but their downfall is their size. Hips are usually wider than their chests; their bones are larger and stronger to help support their larger body weights.

Endomorphs also have a very slow metabolism. They gain weight very easily, and struggle with Carbohydrates and Fats. Because of the slow metabolism, they tend to have less energy, are more tired, and often lose motivation to exercise quickly. My best advice for this type is:

·         Find things to motivate you. Write goals and wishes on an index card and put it in your pocket, wallet, or purse. Keep it with you. Read it daily. When you want to eat something that isn’t healthy, pull it out and remind yourself what your final goals are.

·         SUPERSETS: Tie different lifts together. For instance, if you are training Back and Biceps when lifting, do one of the lifts, and go right to the other. Do not give yourself any downtime. This will help condition you, keep your heart rate up, and help you shed pounds faster.

·         12-15 reps: Go High rep, low weight lifts. Same theory as above. Keep that heart rate elevated.
·         CARDIO: Make sure you are doing lots of Cardio. Keep your heart rate up above 65% at all times.
o   Try other forms than just straight running. Do HIIT Training (High Intensity Interval Training)
o   Jump Roping
o   Sprints
o   Swimming
·         Don’t get down on yourself. Keep digging, keep moving, keep trying!

·         Stay away from Carbs. If you have read my previous blogs, you should know that Carbs and Fats are your friends. Make sure you are still eating them, but do not base your diet off of them. Integrate a lot of Protein into your diet.
o   Keep Cheat Meals LOW! 1-2 per week!

·         Exercise every day. Make sure you keep moving.

·         Make Exercise a LIFETIME commitment. Work hard each day.

Famous Endomorphs you ask?

For Men: Jack Black, Robin Williams, Russell Crowe, Jay Cutler

For Women: Oprah Winfrey, Jessica Simpson, Janet Jackson, Kathleen Turner, Kirstie Alley

Surprised by a few of those? Interesting Stuff!

So there you are, the 3 Body Types.

Now that you have this information, realize that it is rare for one person to be only one of these 3 types. Imagine the bell curve below is a certain body type:

As you can see, the frequency of being exactly like that type increases the further you go to the right, until you hit the center, then it decreases again. While the red and lighter orange may have traits like that body type, they aren’t as close as the darker orange in being exactly like that body type. So in essence, the people that fall in the red or lighter orange part of the bell curve are Hybrids or have traits from a different body type.

Thus example B:

Imagine the left side of the blue curve makes up Ectomorphs, the right makes up Endomorphs, and the center red line makes up Mesomorphs. Some people that are strongly Ectomorph could possibly have a little Mesomorph. They would be called a Ecto-Mesomorph (If they are more on the skinny side) or a Meso-Ectomorph is they are more on the built side. The same applies for the other side of the curve, where people could be Meso-Endomorphs or Endo-Mesomorphs.

Do not think in absolutes. It is rare to be on one side of the bell curve or the other. If that happens, you will need to find the inner fight and will to make your dreams come true. But also remember to make your dreams a reality. If you are an Endomorph, you probably won’t be a world class long distance runner. If you are a Ectomorph, you most likely will not be a world class power lifting champion. Be happy with who you are and what you can do with your body. Each and every one of us are unique. It may take a little time to find something fitness wise that you like to do that fits your body type, but you will find it. It might be Yoga, Sprinting, Long-Distance Running, Tae-Bo, etc. There are so many ways to stay active J

Here is a link to a quick test you can take! Just answer the questions, and it will reveal the body type you are most like:

As for yours truly, I am a Meso-Endomorph. I have mostly the frame of a Mesomorph with slightly more fat to get rid of as well as the slow metabolism. So for you Endo’s out there, I feel for you! It isn’t easy. As I have gone through this journey, there are a lot of setbacks, a lot of depressing days, a lot of sad days, temptations with foods I love, but I am getting where I want to be. It is taking a lot of time, but I know I want it, and I will keep fighting for perfection. Fitness needs to be a lifetime deal for me. I am hoping I am taking the right steps in life now to keep up with my fitness goals and keep with my healthy lifestyle. I know it will be hard, and I will be on this Journey all my life, but what a great Journey to be on! I hope that those of you out there, my readers, can take some of what I have talked about, and what I am yet to talk about, and my feelings and my experiences and help fuel your own to go forward as well.

When I was in Colombia, South America, I contracted Dengue Fever. Long Story short, after coming close to death, I realized that one of the most important things we can have in this life is our health. If it is gone, there isn’t much to living. We can’t enjoy other things in life with bad health. We can’t enjoy times with our families. We can’t enjoy experiences. In reality, our Health is all we have got at the end of the day. With that kind of logic, doesn’t it make sense to make sure that you work out to take care of yourself?

I wish you luck my friends. No matter where you are on the bell curve, I believe you all have it in you to achieve whatever fitness goals. Just keep fighting each day, remember your goals, and work towards them each day. If you don’t ever start, you won’t ever get there. It’s up to you to put the keys in the ignition and go! Until Next Time!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Unleash the Beast Within with Pre-Workouts

Today, as promised, we are going to go over pre work out supplements, the what and the why. Before I begin, all of this is for Men and Women. Women take Pre Workouts. This will not make you huge or bulky either. Like I said in the protein section, that is a subject for another day. But for right now, 



There, I said it, now onto the blog:

When I first started to exercise, I thought pre workouts were unnecessary. I would ask myself why I needed something that would just make me exercise harder. Would I not be producing my own natural results? I have talked to a lot of people that have felt the same way, and I was very on the fence about the subject for a long time. That is when I started to look into pre workout supplements, what they had in them, and what they were used for. I can honestly say now, that if you want results, and you want to really see what you are made of, pre workouts are the absolute way to go. So please bear with me. This is not exactly a simple subject. There are a lot of points and a lot of things to go over. My objective today is to give you guys a better understanding of what pre workout supps are, what they can do for you, and help you pick which one is right for you, because in the world of exercise, there are a ton, and I mean a TON out there!

So like I stated in the beginning, I was very on the fence about it. By taking a pre workout, was I not like a steroid user? I was using something to enhance myself and make me better? Was it considered cheating? The day I began to investigate things, I realized it wasn’t cheating, but it was very much an aide to help me get my results.

Example 1: Lets say that you can only do 10 pull ups without a pre workout, but can do 14 with a pre workout. What caused you to get the extra 4. Well duh, the only variable here is the pre workout. But the question remains why? Did the pre workout increase your strength? Actually, it didn’t. Here is what happens:

When you exercise, your body uses up ATP (adenosine-triphosphate), or basically energy created in your body. If you want to go over this process with me, let me know. There is a lot to it, (electron chains, krebs cycle, etc.) But suffice to say, your body produces energy using phosphate. When you break down ATP, it becomes ADP (adenosine-diphophate) and energy is released as the other phosphate is released. This same process also causes H+ (Hydrogen) Ions to accumulate. For you chemistry nerds out there, you know that Hydrogen is acidic. Hydrogen plays a major role of why your muscles hurt after a workout. This acid level also drops your Ph level in your body, making it run more and more inefficiently. This makes you get tired and feel weak, or become fatigued. As a person fatigues, they are able to contract less muscle fibers, and as consequence, limited to lifting more weight or moving faster and hindering their progress. That is where pre workouts come in and assist. Beta Alanine will actually help pump H+ ions back into the cells by interacting with the proteins on the cell membranes.  The tingling sensation and sudden rush of power and energy is actually energy being created by the hydrogen flowing back into your cells. For those of you that have never taken beta alanine, get ready for a maximum overload of raw energy. No word can really describe the feeling you get. As the Ph levels remain more basic, your body can perform better, helping you to do more reps, allowing your body to have a better breakdown of muscle so it can get bigger and stronger.

Example 2: Running the mile, you can comfortably run it in 7 minutes. But with some vitamin B that you took as a pre workout, you are able to run it in 6. Is that fair?

Different story, same ending. Unlike a steroid, the pre workout will not make a radical change in your body, rather it helps you make the change. If you are able to train just a little longer, run a little further, and increase your lung capacity, you are better off for the next round.
Pre Workouts really break down into 2 main categories: Increased Energy and Increased Weight Loss. At some points, the 2 go hand in hand. But at other times, they do not. The wy the body increases energy is by either some type of stimulant acting upon the nervous system to increase movement, or by an enzymatic reaction. There are also Stim and Non Stimulant types, or basically, high amounts of caffeine or naturally occurring, but ultra concentrated dosages. An example of a non stimulant would be green tea or green coffee bean extracts, or raspberry ketones, or CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). Stimulants would be high vitamin B dosages, beta alanine, or other powerful amino acid driven supplements. While non simulants are good and can give you a little bit more of a kick, stimulants are by far more powerful.

So what to get and what to use? I personally would look for a few things and decide if it is what you want and need. Things to look for are:
  •        Fat Releaser: Caffeine or Yohimbe Bar
  •        Simple Calorie Burners: Green Tea Extract, Raspberry Ketones, Pepper Based Supplements
  •        Fat Transporters (Helps Body Metabolize Fat): Carnitine or L-Carnitine
  •        Fat Stoppers (Blocks Fat from being on the body): Omega-6 Fats, Fish Oil, CLA
  •       Enzymatic Reactors (Use things inside the body to metabolize): Vitamin B’s (Folic Acid, Niacin, Etc.)

Another thing to consider is Nitric Oxide. While there are a lot of people on both sides of the fence, I am a firm believer in Nitric Oxide. While there are a lot of NO supplements out there, just realize that not all work and carefully look in the ingredients (and amounts) in the supplements before getting one. N.O. opens up blood vessels to allow more oxygen and nutrients to pass thorugh. Just like Oxygen is needed to fuel a fire, Oxygen fuels your body and metabolism. It is all part of the electron chain, krebs cycle, and again, if you want to go into depth, just let me know and I will. But for now, good ole O2 is important!
So, to answer the question many of you have asked me lately, What do I take to get me going? Well, the long awaited answer has arrived. Take out your note pads!

Vitamin B based Supplements:

#1 Roxylean

So, I was skeptical. I had heard a lot about this stuff, but I wasn’t sure if it would work. I was very very wrong. It has an amazing boost of energy! It gives you 12,333% of your daily recommended value of Thiamin and 150% of your Niacin needs in one pill! It actually tells you straight up, do not take more than 1 per day. Evidence enough? One thing to be careful of. When you use it, you may experience Niacin flush, or your face and body might sting and turn red. Best way to get rid of it? Work Out! And trust me, after taking it, you will want to do just that! Also, remember to only use It for 2 months, then take a month off. It comes in a convenient 66 pill container. How nice of BPI Sports to do that!

#2 Methoxyburn

While not as strong as Roxylean, it still gives quite the burn. Thiamin levels are at 2000%, Niacin at 100%, and Vitamin B 12 at 8333%.
While not as strong as Roxylean, it still gives quite the burn. Thiamin levels are at 2000%, Niacin at 100%, and Vitamin B 12 at 8333%. The bottle instructs 2 dosages per day. Like I said, it works pretty well, and I was happy with it, but I didn’t get quite as much of a kick as I did out of the other.

N.O. and Amino Supplements:

#1 Nitrix

This stuff took me from looking pretty good to awesome. It gave me the energy I needed, but also gave me the pumps to keep going. I am very happy with this product. The downside to it is the dosages. 3 pills 3 times a day on an empty stomach for <200 lbs or 4 pills 3 times a day on >200 lbs. If you are willing to take the time to take it, it is worth it!

#2 N.O. Explode

I used to take this a lot, but for those of you who know me well, I hate powders. They are messy, a pain to watch over and then mix, and just drive me bonkers most day. But N.O. Explode does just what it says. Amazing energy release with 1-3 scoops recommended usage. If you can deal with powders, I would suggest trying some of this out. It comes in a bunch of different flavors too!

#3 Jack 3d

Pretty powerful stuff, and a lot of people like it, but it made me really upset to my stomach when I took it.  The Beta Alanine is pretty powerful. You really get that tingle in your muscles and it makes you want to work out. If I could work past the upset stomach I was good. I just hated battling it day in and day out.

#4 AmiN.O. Energy,

Packed with Amino Acids and Nitric Oxide boosters, this is great stuff as well. I haven’t used it a lot, but so far so good! My wife uses it and she loves it! She used to use N.O. Explode as well, but it made her sick. This stuff doesn’t make her sick and she is ready for a workout after taking it. Energy in a bottle!

Extras and Non Stims

#1 Raspberry Ketones

This stuff is really good and actually helps me digest food better. I take it after a meal (not dinner though) and it helps metabolize my food and give me some instant pick up when I am feeling slow and low for the day. Recommended dosage is 2 per serving, but I have found that 1 suits me pretty well. If I take 2 I tend to have raspberry burps. They are a lot like fish oil burps, but taste like raspberries. So not too bad.

#2 Refine

 It is a great pre workout, but it also upsets my stomach a little bit. I am currently using this, but once the bottle is gone, I will be pretty much done with it. I have been happy with it overall, but sometimes it is good to mix things up a bit and try new things!

I am going to be trying out some new products this month. I will be giving some reviews on them when I am done! If you have something you want me to try, please let me know!

I know I probably missed a few things, but for the most part I think I covered the bases. Best advice I can give is:
  •       Do your research. Find out what is in something before you buy it. Don’t jusy get it because they say it works. Fitness and well-being is a science, something that is changing all the time. Read, review and learn. There are new breakthroughs all the time. Don’t always ride the hype. Stick with what you know but don’t be afraid to extend.
  •       I say this all the time, but Every Body is different. You may react to something better than I do. You may not react to something at all. Go out and try things. Ask your doctor if you feel like you need to get an Ok. I am in no way shape or form saying these things will work for you, but the best thing you can do is try them!
  •       Do not rely on these things to help you lose weight alone. Taking these supplements and then running and getting  cheese burger will not work. Eating clean and exercising are key to having success. Nothing worth having will come easily. You have to fight for them. I would be lying if I didn’t say there have been some major discouragements along the way. I still get discouraged at time. Make goals, and then keep them. Ask yourself if eating this or that will make me feel good later. Losing the 75 lbs I have over the year and a half of training hasn’t been easy on me physically or mentally. The fitness game is more mental than physical. Anyone can lift weights, swim, run, walk, or jog. But the mentality, the driving force behind you, the part of you that wants to reach your goals must always defeat your doubts first. It is an everyday battle. Do not give up. You never know if a major success is right around the corner. You wont know until you get there.
I               I am not into baseball at all. But this video, if you do nothing more but just close your eyes and listen,       is so inspiring: 

With that, I end todays blog. Don’t give up. Use this information as an advantage. Use it to help yourself. All of this comes from me studying and learning over the years. Im not saying I will always be right, but My results should speak enough that what I am doing isn’t wrong.

The true enemy is within. Make the choice each day to better yourself, and one day you can say I made it. A 1,000 mile journey begins with a single step. Take yours today!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Carbs and Fats are Your Friends!

Hey Guys,

So I learned a lesson. Do not keep a well typed blog, or essay, or whatever on an old laptop with a bad battery. Because then you have to start all over again….

So here we go, attempt two to talk about how Carbs and Fats are your friends, and not always your enemies.

Your brain, as stated in the previous post about protein, needs carbs to run effectively. 90% or higher is the actual number. Along with that, Carbs can supply your body with a variety of energy or fiber, depending on its make-up. From basic quick burning carbs, such as base sugars glucose, fructose, etc. up to the complex carbs and slow burning starches and fiber.

Ideally, people would read this, and say, “Zack, shouldn't the quick burning sugars and carbs be ideal for weight loss then? They would go in and out and be done right?”

Well, lets look at it three ways. 1st, molecular break up. Simple carbs and sugars, are just that, simple. Because they are simple, they have the ability to be much denser as they take up less space. Example, take a Mason Jar. Now take some golf balls, marbles, and some sand. You can put a lot of sand in the jar, and it would be heavier. You could put fewer, but still a lot of marbles in jar as well. It wouldn’t weigh as much as the sand however. Finally, you wouldn’t be able to put many golf balls in, and it would be the lightest of them all. Less space, less area they have to fill.

2nd, your body will love the small carbs more because they are so easy to use. Just like in nature, the pathway of least resistance usually wins. So it is with food. Your body doesn’t have to work very hard to metabolize simple sugars, thus your body will want to store them more. And, as we just went over, simple sugars are small and can be stacked more easily, thus the easier they are to create pounds of fat in your body.

3rd, complex carbs will help burn fat better than simple sugars. I liken this to firewood. We go camping at least 2 times a year as a family. In the spring, we go to the desert. There are Juniper trees out there that we use as firewood. The Juniper trees are made out of very light weight wood. We have to amass a huge stock pile of it just to run the fire through the night to cook hotdogs and marshmallows (yes, I eat crap food every once in a while). On the contrary, when we go up to Logan Canyon to go camping, the wood is heavy, and it burns hotter and longer than the Juniper wood. So how do we compare this? The more complex, the more energy it will require to metabolize it. Just like Casein takes longer to metabolize than Whey, complex carbs need longer amounts of time to metabolize. Along with that, complex carbs have more to them, fill you up faster, making you eat less and feel fuller!

So what can we learn from all of this? Carbs, when eaten correctly, can help you lose weight, and give you the energy you need to supply your body.

Now, on to the most hated of the 3 energy sources: Fats.

Fats are unfortunately guilty by association with the name fat. Not all fats are the same and are actually vital to your health. Complete cut off to fats is like committing health suicide. Here is why:

For all of you that slept through biology, this will be new to you. For those that didn’t, here is a refresher. Our entire body is made up of cells. Cells are the basic building blocks of our organs and systems in our bodies. If you remember the basic structure of the cell, the outside wall or membrane is made of lipids. For those of you that didn’t know, that is another word for fats. Small molecules surround the wall. They are Hydrophobic (water fearing, fats and oils) on the outside, and then the inside is hydrophilic (loves water). So if every cell is made of fats and oils, and cells make up our entire body, how important again are fats and oils?

Go a step further, all of our neuron connections (the stuff that makes you feel, move, sense) are made almost purely of fats and oils. Do you guys see where I am going with this?? They are pretty darn important.
Like carbs, there is the dark side and a good side. The chart below speaks for Itself

So for a quick review, stay away from saturated fats. A rule I like to follow is if it is a fat, and is solid at room temperature, it probably isn’t the best thing for you. While that is not always the case, it is a good rule to go off of. Look for items that have HDL cholesterol over LDL. HDL cholesterol is good for you. LDL or VLDL is bad for you. Also, stay clear of Hydrogentated anything. Hydrogenated means that an extra hydrogen molecule was added to the molecular structure. I wont do any more chemistry for the day, but suffice to say, it is not good for you.

 I know the chemistry isn’t always fun to go over, so for most of you readers out there’s sakes, I will stop at that. If you want more info, just let me know and we will go into depth. REMEMBER: FATS AND CARBS are your FRIENDS when EATEN CORRECTLY!!! Not only that, but they are important to your overall fitness. A quick example, Arnold Schwarzenegger. His diet in training was a 40% Protein, 40% Carbs, and 20% Fats diet. Im not saying you will be huge by eating that way, there are a lot of other factors. But to be in great shape and look shredded and cut, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to follow that type of guide.
That is all for today! Remember to eat! The best way to keep a fire burning is to keep wood on it! Keep giving your body food every 2.5-4 hours (good food) will keep your metabolism ramped up! Its hard to get a fire going with a couple of coals and putting on a lot of wood. Keep the fire going! 

Which would you rather have?? They both weigh the same---------->


Friday, February 22, 2013


Sorry for the long wait! There is so much to cover on just the basics, so I don’t know where to start! I know I will miss a lot, but we will add in as time goes on!

There are 3 basic types of calories we take in. Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fat. Alcohols are a special kind, but we will talk about them with Fats. Today, the focus is on Proteins.

Proteins are formed by a bunch of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s). The entire subject of BCAA’s could take weeks to cover if we were to go into specifics on each one, but it is suffice to say, some of the Amino Acids are formed in the Body to create protein for cells naturally, and others are not created, some are essential, and others not so much.

For those wanting to get into shape, Protein is your best friend. Per gram, Protein only amounts to 4 calories. In other words, if you drink a Protein shake that has 120 calories in it, and there are 24g of protein, roughly 96 calories or 80% of that drink would be made of Protein.

Eating Protein and taking a Protein Supplement is crucial for success. Protein really is a miracle in itself. Protein:

·         Acts as an Enzyme. Enzymes break down things to create energy. Thus, Protein creates energy!

·         Builds Muscle. Muscle Cells need protein to get stronger and bigger

o   NOTE: Ladies, Protein will not make you Bulky! Neither will Lifting Weights! You are missing a key element that I will discuss on a future day! DO NOT FEAR PROTEIN AND WEIGHTS! YOU WILL NOT BECOME HUGE AND MANLY!
(just to be funny.......)

·         Protein WILL NOT synthesize into FAT!

o   Protein can be used as a source of energy. It must be chemically changed in the body if there are no Carbohydrates or Fats being burned fast enough to keep energy levels going. However, because Proteins are not sugars like carbohydrates and fats are, they will not turn into fat!

·         Protein Boosts Your Metabolism

·         Protein Boosts your Immunity

·         Protein can decrease appetite

So, no matter how you look at it, Protein is the way to go!

But…… what kinds? When? How?

On the market, there are really 3 major types of protein.

Whey Protein:

                Whey is probably the most researched “supplement” you can buy. I really don’t feel like whey protein is a supplement because it really is just a food that you get extra protein from. In fact, the Whey protein comes off of milk and cheese and used to be the “waste” product. However, after you get the fats out of it, and just leave the proteins, Whey is a super awesome protein supplement to take each day. I personally recommend Whey every morning for part of your Breakfast, and 30 minutes after each workout. You can even take Whey before a workout to give you that extra go. For those of you planning on spending more than 1-1.5 hours in the gym, you may want to have it an 1hour-30 minutes before your workout. I would also recommend it if you are Ectomorph (Super Skinny) body type and want to put on some muscle. Here are a few reasons I love Whey:

1.       It is digested very quickly, and can give your muscles the nutrients they need to recover and grow

2.       Whey decreases Body Fat naturally

3.       Protects against overall strength loss

4.       Preserves Muscles during weight loss

5.       Builds Muscles while trying to build muscles

6.       Boost Immune system

So no matter how you “Whey” it, Whey is an awesome supplement to take (Terrible Pun I know but I had to put it in. J)

Casein Protein

I actually just recently started taking Casein Protein. It is pretty good stuff as well. It takes a minute to get used to the overall texture, but it is really pretty good. Casein protein is basically the same types of protein you would find in your cottage cheeses, and harder to digest proteins. That really is what makes this protein great. It makes you feel fuller longer, and actually is ideal for when you are going to be idle or sleep. Even when we sleep, we burn calories, and if there aren’t any in the stomach to take from, it will be burning off your muscles. By taking slow digesting protein you are:

1.       Protecting your muscles from being metabolized

2.       Slow digesting means you are burning calories to digest your food, meaning your metabolic level rises, meaning you burn calories in your sleep!

Now, as a caution, researchers have come out and stated that Casein Protein can cause cancer. The reason they say is because the high levels of Calcium in Casein will cause the cancer to come out. So….. all of you ladies out there, it supposedly is bad now to take those Calcium pills now, even though other Doctor’s recommend them. So, my personal opinion, everything causes cancer, and Calcium is needed in the body to contract muscles and build bones (let me know if you are interested in that, and Ill discuss it in depth further)

Lastly, Soy Protein

Soy has just recently come on in the past few years as a way for vegetarians, and more over Vegans to get their Protein in. So this has gotta be healthy right???

WRONG. Soy has actually shown in recent studies to raise cancer levels significantly. And for you Men out there, Soy actually raises the Estrogen level naturally in the body. For those of you that want your rock hard body, you know that you need to have naturally more Testosterone and less Estrogen for that to happen. My recommendation: Stay Away From Soy Protein. And please, don’t be a Vegan or Vegetarian.

The other basic ways to get Protein is through Meats. Fish, Chicken, and Egg Whites are probably your best bets on getting good Protein levels while minimizing Fat and Carbohydrate intake.

Beef and Turkey tend to be a little higher in fat. If you can get the fat off of the Turkey and the Beef, all the better. They have high protein levels, and Beef actually has natural Creatine for building muscle and Iron for your blood cells and other parts of your body.

Dairy, Cheeses, and Beans are also great sources. But they also can be high in fats and carbs, so take caution!

Pork is also great, but try to stay away from pork. It tends to be really high in fat, and the way pork is built up, it isn’t all that good for you. Guess the Jews and the Muslims have had the right idea for a couple thousand years!

So we went over a lot, but there is a lot more that we could go over. If you have a specific question you want addressed or put on, let me know and we will talk it up!

Before I close a word of caution. Going on a strict protein diet is not good for you and is extremely unhealthy. As stated before, your body can convert Protein into energy, but it is not Sugar Based. Your body actually needs sugar to run correctly. In fact, your Brain runs 90% on sugar alone. It is very important you throw fats (we will discuss good fats vs bad fats) and Carbohydrates into your meals each day. We will go over amounts and ratios in a future day too.

Protein is, in essence, and Acid. If you remember, everything is either an Acid or a Base on the Ph Scale. Proteins (acids) are canceled out by eating Carbohydrates and Fats (Sugars, or Bases). This is just another reason to not go on a strict all protein diet.

So, this weekend, if you are like me, you will probably go shopping for foods. Pay attention to the labels. Look at some foods that have higher amounts of protein and less carbs and fats. Make sure that the calories add up to having more proteins! As for my favorite proteins, I really like the Optimum Nutrition brand. Their protein powders are easy to mix, taste great, and come in a bunch of flavors. We will go over some fun things you can do with them too!

Until next time! Eat more Protein! And Don’t give up! You will never regret working out, but you will regret not working out!